KST 79030 GP |
PreventID® Micro-Albumin |
10 test strips |
Rapid test for the immunological determination of Albumin in urine (Detection of a Microalbuminuria / Cut-off: 20 mg/L) |
KST 72116 GP |
PreventID® TSH |
10 tests |
Rapid test for the immunological determination of TSH in capillary blood (Determination of hypothyroidism / Cut-Off: 5 mU/L) |
KST 80100 G5 |
PreventID® Vital-D |
5 tests |
Dry-blood collection system for capillary blood to determine 25-OH Vit D Status) |
KST 80100 GP |
PreventID® Vital-D |
20 tests |
Dry-blood collection system for capillary blood to determine 25-OH Vit D Status) |
KST 11003 GP |
PreventID® Cal Detect® 50 / 200 |
10 tests |
ÿþI m m u n o l o g i c a l r a p i d t e s t f o r t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f f e a c a l c a l p r o t e c t i n f o r d i a g n o s i s & |