+40 21 319 30 08
+40 21 367 24 76

Catalog Code Product Name Details Other info
KST 79030 GP PreventID® Micro-Albumin 10 test strips Rapid test for the immunological determination of Albumin in urine (Detection of a Microalbuminuria / Cut-off: 20 mg/L)
KST 72116 GP PreventID® TSH 10 tests Rapid test for the immunological determination of TSH in capillary blood (Determination of hypothyroidism / Cut-Off: 5 mU/L)
KST 80100 G5 PreventID® Vital-D 5 tests Dry-blood collection system for capillary blood to determine 25-OH Vit D Status)
KST 80100 GP PreventID® Vital-D 20 tests Dry-blood collection system for capillary blood to determine 25-OH Vit D Status)
KST 11003 GP PreventID® Cal Detect® 50 / 200 10 tests ÿþImmunological rapid test for the determination of feacal calprotectin for diagnosis & therapy monitoring of intestinal inflammations. 2 Cut-offs: 50 ¼g/g and 200 ¼g/g
KST 11004 GP PreventID® Cal Screen® 10 tests ÿþImmunological rapid test for the determination of feacal calprotectin for the differentiation of IBD and IBS in primary diagnosis. 1 Cut-off at 50 ¼g/g
KST 40112 GP PreventID® Haemo/HaptOccult 20 tests Rapid test for the immunological determination of feacal occult blood (human hemoglobin and hemoglobinhaptoglobin complex)
9444.030.00.000 Simple PSA (cassette) 30 tests For the detection of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in serum
9444.050.15.000 Simple PSA (cassette) 50 tests For the detection of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in serum