AB ANALITICA is an UNI EN ISO 9001 certified company for the design, development, production and trade of in vitro medical-diagnostic devices (IVD). AB ANALITICA is particularly aware of emerging technologies and the requirements of the diagnostic market. As a result, it has invested in its own research and development department, which is involved in advanced molecular biology diagnostics in the following sectors: microbiology, virology, onco-hematology, and genetics. The competences of the company are related to diagnostics with molecular biology technologies for both the qualitative and quantitative determination of nucleic acids, the development of biobanking management systems, and in vivo/in vitro diagnostics with breath test technology and the use of stable isotopes
Since 1989 AID, with its headquarters in the south-west of Germany, produces and markets diagnostic products, imaging devices and suitable software programs within the wide range of immunology and infectious diseases. One of the world-wide most used EliSpot readers (AID EliSpot Reader System) was developed and produced by AID. Based on the success of this system they work continuously on the development of further automizable complete solutions within the fields of microbiology, virology and cell biology and offer various robotic systems for high throughput analyses. The newest development is the AID BacSpot Robotic System, a complete solution to analyse up to 200 agar plates per hour, as well as the AID EliSpot Robotic System, the first high throughput analysing system for EliSpot assays worldwide. Beside these hardware solutions AID offers a comprehensive range of test systems for research- and diagnostic labs.
BAG Diagnostics GmbH develops and manufactures innovative in-vitro-diagnostics and distributes these internationally. The BAG reagents and in-vitro-diagnostic systems have long been used and established in hospitals, blood banks and medical laboratories worldwide. Blood group typing and HLA diagnostics, based on molecular genetic techniques, are highly used products in German as well as in global market. Mr SPOT, the automatic systems for HLA SSO genotyping from BAG Diagnostics is now the most popular systems in Romania having the biggest market share in the total HLA genotyping market.
BioGenex was incorporated in the year 1981 with the purpose of bringing affordable healthcare solutions for improved wellness of humanity. Today, BioGenex is a technology leader in Molecular Pathology and provides total solution for the complete automation of cell and tissue testing. Through its cutting-edge and patented technologies, it enables disease diagnosis at molecular level. Diagnosis at the molecular level (primarily targeting DNA, RNA and protein), affords early and preventive diagnosis of genetic and infectious diseases.
Capricorn Scientific is a brand new company specialized in manufacturing and worldwide distribution of cell culture products for research, development, diagnostic and biopharmaceutical production. The company processes and manufactures animal & human sera, synthetic media, protein-free media, biochemical supplements and reagents, all of which used as cell nutrients in cell culture technology.
CellPath was founded in 1990 from the merger of Histopath and Cytopath. However CellPath can trace its roots much further back to 1969, with the formation of Bethlehem Instruments in Hemel Hempstead, England. The company grew through the 1970's and early 80's and was instrumental in introducing a number of histology products that were first to the market place. The company began selling RDC rapid decalcifier, a product that still forms a core part of histology consumables range. Over the years CellPath has built a reputation for innovation, novel product design and quality of both its products and its service. CellPath were the first to introduce an alternative source to Bayer for the embedding cassettes. However in December 2002 CellPath was purchased back by its founder members the Webber Family. In November 2005 CellPath moved into their new headquarters on the Mochdre Enterprise Park in Newtown, Mid Wales.
Founded in 1987, Clonit srl was one of the first Italian companies operating in the field of biotechnology. Since the beginning, the company has worked to develop innovative and reliable analytical methods in the field of In Vitro diagnostics using molecular biology techniques. The systems are useful for human diagnostic with particular attention to the detection of viral, bacteria and protozoa infections, genetic mutations and ontological diseases. The scientific innovations were transferred into ready to use diagnostic kits that, for the operating user-friendliness and the quality, are optimal for routine diagnostic laboratories. The company is registered and authorized from the Italian Ministry of the Health for the production of Medical Diagnostic devices Clonit offers to its customers an unrivalled experience in molecular biology.
Established in 1991, Cytocell is a leading provider of innovative DNA screening solutions for fast and accurate detection of human genetic diseases in cytogenetics and cancer. Cytocell's diagnostic FISH kits are manufactured at the facilities in Cambridge, UK, in accordance with the relevant ISO international quality standards and the FDA quality systems regulations. All Cytocell FISH probes products are CE marked in compliance with the European Directive 98/79/EC. Cytocell's future strategy is to build on its current product portfolio to provide more innovative screening solutions to customers worldwide.
In the early 80s’ the establishment of CELBIO represented a true milestone, as this Company quickly became a reference for a number of scientists, giving them a valuable opportunity to gain access to a world of products and equipment in Biotechnology. Later on, this name became familiar also in the Medical and Diagnostic field. This leading approach remained unchanged and possibly improved throughout almost three decades, reinforcing the image of this Company as a reliable and solid partner for the entire scientific community. At the beginning of the 90s' a sister Company called EuroClone started its activity with the goal of giving more emphasis to the development of smart ideas which were felt to evolve into nice products to sell. The success was such that in 2009 it was decided to merge the two Companies, and CELBIO was fully incorporated into EuroClone.
Experteam was founded in 1996 by biologists Angelo De Bortoli & Federica Schiavon, starting with a series of innovative molecular biology kits for detection of virus, protozoa, bacteria and for detection of genetic and tumoral diseases. The most innovative products of Venetian biotech society are about the genetic male infertility sector. Last researches regarding chance to detect, by molecular biology, trace of virus in fluvial water and sea bathing water (difficult to detect with traditional methods), and fast detection of pathogens in food.
Genial Genetics offer products to address the specific requirements of cytogenetic laboratories in particular but also genetic databases for molecular laboratories and QMS software for the whole of Pathology. Genial Genetics offers products for improving cytogenetic preparation and FISH results and robotic harvesters. With respect to IT division Genial Genetics is probably the leading suppliers of genetic databases worldwide with systems all over the world.
Immundiagnostik AG, founded in 1986, is a globally operating diagnostics company represented in over 30 countries. The focus was on the development and production of innovative immunoassays and other analytical detection methods (e.g. HPLC and PCR) for medical routine and research. Furthermore, Immundiagnostik offers a broad portfolio of antibodies and antigens. Immundiagnostik offers products covering various clinical areas: cardiovascular and renal diseases; skeletal system; gastroenterology; Anti-Aging / Oxidative Stress. Immundiagnostik comprehensive range of products is continuously refueled by a rich pipeline of proprietary developments. With a headcount of more than 50 employees, Immundiagnostik’s headquarter is located in Bensheim, south-western Germany. In the past, Immundiagnostik developed analytical tools which today are used routinely in every clinical laboratory. Now Immundiagnostik is developing tests for basic and applied research which will soon help predict and prevent diseases.
Labsystems Diagnostics Oy, formerly Ani Biotech Oy, Ani Labsystems Ltd. Oy and Orgenium Laboratories Oy, is a Finnish diagnostics group of merged companies dedicated to high quality enzyme immunoassays (EIA and FEIA) and rapid POC tests for professional and home use. Labsystems Diagnostics Oy develops and manufactures a complete range of neonatal screening systems and tests, and fertility, cardiac and gastrointestinal as well as other infectious disease POC tests. Since 2012, Labsystems Diagnostics is part of Global Trivitron Healthcare Group, forming the European arm of Trivitron in Laboratory Diagnostics, POC and Home Tests. Labsystems Diagnostic Oy has more than 30 years of experience in developing and manufacturing EIA laboratory tests for diagnosis of various infectious and newborn diseases and over 25 years of experience developing and manufacturing Point of Care tests such as pregnancy, infectious, cardiac and gastrointestinal tests. Today Labsystems Diagnostics portfolio is expanding to include qPCR tests as well. Labsystems Diagnostic Oy can now offer solutions for diagnosis of most important atypical bacterial respiratory infections as well as for several other diseases.
OPERON was established in 1973 as a private R&D laboratory in the field of immunochemistry. At the beginning the Company's target was to satisfy the needs of the Spanish market. The initial products were immuno-plates, polyclonal antibodies labelled with peroxidase and fluorescein and agglutination latex products. In 1983 OPERON started its international sales operation. In 1986 the research of monoclonal antibodies was initiated. The first rapid tests were produced and sold in 1991. Since then new products are developed every year. The expression of recombinant antigens was started in 2002. Two new product lines were launched in 2006: ready-to-use ELISA and Molecular Diagnostic kits manufacturing. Nowadays, OPERON is exporting to more than 40 countries all over the world and the main product lines are: raw materials (monoclonal antibodies and recombinant antigens), immunochromatography - rapid tests, ELISA, molecular diagnostics, customized products
Sekisui Diagnostics is a global manufaturer of products for in vitro diagnostic aplications. The company sells directly in USA and Germany and through a network of distributors all over the world. The products supplied by Sekisui Diagnostics covers: clinical chemistry, coagulation, virotech products, rapid tests and enzymes. Since when BIOgenetiX became the distributor of Sekisui Diagnostics, we understood the strong commitment to quality and to highest standards in business practice applied by this company.
For over 25 years, TBS has designed, developed, manufactured and marketed innovative products for the pathology laboratory. The Company has one of the most comprehensive histology product lines in the industry, ranging from sophisticated microwave and conventional pressure vacuum tissue processing instrumentation to the highest quality consumables and reagents. TBS manufactures both in USA and Germany last generation equipments for complete endowment of pathology laboratories: automate systems for tissue processing, automate staining systems, water baths, tissue embedding stations, cryostats, fume hoods, automate cover slippers, thermostats.
Fondata in anul 2000 NanoEnTek este o companie recunoscuta in Korea dar si international pentru tehnologiile inovative patentate in timp care combina sistemele microfluidice si microelectromagnetice(MEMS) cu tehnologia Lab-on-a-chip. In prezent, testarea centralizata de laborator, Insotita de echipamente de diagnosticare costisitoare si de dimensiuni mari, a fost bine stabilita si functioneaza In spitalele majore din mediul urban. Dar majoritatea spitalelor mici si mijlocii Intampina dificultati In amenajarea si Intretinerea facilitatilor datorita limitarii resurselor financiare si umane. Insa chiar si spitalele metropolitane au nevoie de testare POCT In departamentul de urgenta si In unitatea de terapie intensiva. Produsele noastre imunodiagnostice, cartusele FREND ™ (microcip de plastic de unica folosinta) si sistemul de cititoare, permit medicilor sa obtina rezultate rapide ale testelor si sa ia o decizie clinica rapida. Prin utilizarea sistemului nostru de imunotestare fluorescenta cantitativa, pacientii pot primi, de asemenea, un test rapid (timp total de reactie si de scanare <5 minute) precum si tratament adecvat. Pana In 2020, NanoEnTek promite sa se dezvolte ca lider mondial In domeniul aparaturii de diagnosticare POCT prin intermediul unor domenii avansate si variate cum ar fi imunoteste, numar de celule sanguine, chimie clinica si altele.
Irepertoire este o companie fondata in 2009 care a patentat si dezvoltat o noua tehnologie arm-PCR (amplicon rescued multiplex PCR). Principala aplicatie, dar nu unica, a acestei tehnologii este analiza repertoriului imun al unui individ, prin amplificarea receptorilor celulelor T si B urmata de secventiere de ultima generatie care ofera o perspectiva detaliata, la nivel de secventa, asupra sistemului imunitar. Metoda este complet automatizata neexistand riscul contaminarii probelor in timpul manipularii lor. Repertoriul imun reprezinta suma celulelor B si T functionale intr-un organism in orice moment. Analiza repertoriului imun permite atat evaluarea statusului imun din momentul analizarii cat si evaluarea istoricului imun al respectivei persoane. Secventierea genelor receptorilor celulelor B si T ale unei persoane permit evaluarea cu mare acuratete a starii de sanatate dar si evaluarea potentialelor riscuri pentru diverse afectiuni. Cu toate ca este o tehnologie revolutionara lumea stiintifica a adoptat-o imediat sesizand potentialul enorm cu un impact remarcabil in era medicinei personalizate.
Master Diagnostica este o companie de biotehnologie infiintata in 1996 dedicata dezvoltarii, fabricarii si vanzarii de kituri de diagnostic si reactivi pentru diagnostic in vitro. Se adreseaza oncologiei, bolilor infectioase si altor tipuri de boli prin utilizarea tehnologiilor de biologie si imunohistochimie moleculara inovatoare. Compania face parte dintr-un grup de companii de biotehnologie spaniole, „Vitro Group“. Pe langa activitatile de dezvoltare si comercializare a produselor, Master Diagnostica detine un laborator de referinta autorizat in Granada, care ofera analize moleculare si analize imunohistochimie altor clienti externi, atat publici cat si privati. Laboratorul nostru este, de asemenea, dedicat sprijinirii educationale si tehnice pentru clientii firmei si pentru a efectua controlul calitatii produselor, conform Regulamentului CE. Departamentul tehnic al Master Diagnostica este coordonat de catre o echipa de specialisti avand o inalta calificare profesionala. In acest department se realizeaza proiecte de cercetare si dezvoltare bazate pe tehnologii inovatoare de analiza ADN-ului. Cele mai multe proiecte sunt dezvoltate in stransa colaborare cu diferite grupuri de cercetare din universitati si institutii de sanatate. Master Diagnostica vinde deja produsele sale in multe tari si una dintre prioritatile sale este de a-si extinde piata in intreaga lume prin crearea de colaborari cu noi clienti pentru a exporta solutiile inovatoare in toata lumea.
Fondata in 1995 de profesorul Sir Edwin de Sud, OGT a fost unul dintre pionierii revolutiei medicinei molecular, permitand o decizie cat mai inteligenta in domeniul sanatatii umane. Cu clientii din peste 60 de tari din lume si planurile ambitioase de expansiune, OGT are o reputatie puternica si o parte din ce in ce mai mare din piata in continua crestere a medicinei genomice. Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) ofera solutii de cercetare genetica de clasa mondiala in institutii de cercetare clinica si academica precum si solutii de diagnostic utilizate in marile laboratoare. Gama CytoSure ™, Cytocell® si SureSeq ™ : produse de microarray, FISH si produse de secventiere de generatie urmatoare ofera specialistilor posibilitatea efectuarii unor analize genetice de inalta calitate, cu o performanta ridicata, care permit identificarea exacta a variatiei cauzale care sta la baza bolii genetice.
Avand sediul in Friedberg (Germania) METAX s-a impus pe piata produselor speciale de alimentatie printr-o gama completa adaptata nevoilor individuale. In bolile metabolice care majoritar sunt diagnosticate la nastere lupta pacientului si a familiei va continua toata viata datorita nevoilor speciale de alimentatie ale acestor persoane. Metax este alaturi de acesti pacienti si a ales sa sprijine efortul lor pentru o viata normala investind in produse de inalta calitate, adaptate nu doar diferitelor afectiuni ci si varstei si nevoilor pacientilor. Incepand de la fenilcetonurie, hiperfenilalaninemie, continuand cu tulburarile ale ciclului ureei care necesita aportul de mixturi de aminoacizi sau doar aminoacizi individuali METAX ofera tuturor persoanelor afectate sansa unei vieti normale. De asemenea exista o preocupare continua pentru dezvoltarea de produse pentru dietele care necesita aport scazut sau restrictie completa de proteine, concentrate de proteine sau diete pentru persoanele cu afectiuni renale severe.
Infiintata in 1977 IDS (ImmunoDiagnosticSystems) este o companie globala cu sediul in Londra care s-a consacrat pe piata furnizorilor de solutii de diagnostic in vitro printr-un panel complex de teste imune inovatoare acompaniate de o serie completa de analizoare de imunologie. Produsele de inalta calitate imbunatatesc eficienta laboratoarelor si ofera solutii rapide si exacte pentru diagnosticarea si monitorizarea terapiei. Sistemul automatizat IDS-iSYS Multi-Discipline a fost lansat in 2009 si continua sa fie fabricat intern. Portofoliul de imunologie este disponibil ca o combinatie de teste care utilizeaza sistemul automatizat IDS-iSYS Multi-Discipline Automated sau ca si kituri de testare manuala de sine statatoare. Aceasta oferta completa raspunde atat nevoilor laboratoarelor clinice, cat si laboratoarelor de cercetare de toate tipurile si dimensiunile. Patrimoniul IDS in anumite domenii cum ar fi endocrinologia, inclusiv testarea vitaminei D, ofera un meniu de teste de varf impreuna cu o platforma solida pentru testarea: • Metabolismului oaselor • Metabolismului calciului • CKD-MBD (boli cronice de rinichi si tulburari osoase minerale) • Fertilitate • Tulburari de crestere • Hipertensiune Meniurile de teste vor fi dezvoltate continuu la portofoliul actual se vor adauga in curand teste pentru diagnosticul alergiilor, bolilor autoimune sau afectiunilor tiroidiene. Trebuie mentionat si faptul ca IDS este unul dintre putinii furnizori care ofera pe aceeasi platforma posibilitatea diagnosticului complet pentru TORCH impreuna cu testele de aviditate (toate sunt IVD). Promisiunea ferma de a dezvolta in permanenta panelul de teste care pot fi efectuate pe platforme automate face din IDS partenerul ideal pe termen lung al oricarui laborator clinic sau de cercetare.
Companie privata cu sediul in Viena, Austria, ViennaLab are o echipa compusa din membrii de incredere, care impartasesc gustul pentru acuratete si excelenta. ViennaLab ofera o serie de teste inovatoare de diagnostic bazate pe hibridizarea inversa. StripAssays® este prietenos cu utilizatorul avand pana la 48 de pozitii ce permit detectarea variantelor de ADN, inclusiv mutatii, deletii,analiza starii de metilare si multe altele. Cu fiabilitatea dovedita de StripAssays®, diagnosticarea bolilor genetice si a predispozitiilor poate fi abordata cu cea mai mare precizie. Constienta de responsabilitatea sa, produsele ViennaLab ofera optiuni diferentiate, prezentand solutii personalizate pentru testarea genetica. Departamentul de cercetare si dezvoltare lucreaza constant la proiecte noi. ViennaLab se mandreste cu reinvestirea a 1/3 din veniturile sale pentru dezvoltarea de produse –“ ceea ce reprezinta abordarea noastra stiintifica in afaceri”. Noile teste legate de cancer sunt recent lansate pe piata dupa ce au corespuns celor mai inalte standarde de control al calitatii CE, ISO 9001 si ISO 13485. ViennaLab se mandreste cu implicarea sa in dezvoltarea de produse, promovand kituri originale IVD StripAssay® si RealFastTM la nivel mondial, cu reteaua de parteneri de distributie existente, garantand prezenta internationala. Toate kiturile sunt etichetate CE & IVD si indeplinesc standardele ISO 9001 si ISO 13485.
O echipa manageriala de top cu multa experienta in diagnostic face din AusDiagnostics Pty Ltd unul dintre furnizorii de referinta al kiturilor de diagnostic molecular cu grad mare de multiplexare. Compania operează cu un sistem de management al calității conform cu ISO 13485, iar trusele IVD sunt înscrise în Registrul australian de specialitate. AusDiagnostics s-a mândrit întotdeauna cu o oferta de kituri de cea mai bună calitate pentru cel mai competitiv preț. Oferirea celui mai bun rezultat clinic pentru pacienți este un factor important al politicii companiei. Cu birouri în Londra, Dallas și Auckland AusDiagnostics Pty Ltd s-a impus ca o companie considerata lider de piata in diagnosticul molecular. Acest lucru este sustinut permanent de eforturile companiei de a oferi atat solutii standardizate pentru diagnostic, cat si kituri RUO customizate, cu grade diferite de multiplexare, pentru centrele de cercetare avansata.
Abacus Diagnostica Oy este o companie finlandeză de diagnosticare moleculară specializată în testarea moleculară rapidă care utilizează tehnologia brevetată GenomEra®. Abacus Diagnostica Oy a fost fondată în 2004 de către inventatorii tehnologiei GenomEra® din Departamentul de Biotehnologie de la Universitatea Turku. În prezent dezvolta noi tehnologii și extind gama de teste pentru platforma de analiză GenomEra® CDX, destinată identificării bolilor infecțioase precum Influenza, C. difficile, MRSA și alți agenți patogeni umani critici precum și markeri de rezistență la antibiotice. Viziunea lui Abacus este de a oferi produse rentabile și ușor de utilizat pentru a permite diagnosticul molecular chiar în setări limitate de resurse și capacități. Soluțiile lor permit diagnosticarea moleculară de rutină fără a compromite calitatea rezultatelor și a muta diagnosticul molecular la următorul nivel de simplitate. Nevoile clienților reprezintă valoarea noastră de bază cu fiecare pas. “Politica de calitate este concepută în conformitate cu cele mai înalte standarde de siguranță posibile. Calitatea ghidează toate operațiunile și este responsabilitatea fiecărei funcții a organizației. Angajamentul de siguranță și de înaltă calitate este monitorizarea și menținerea cu sisteme eficiente de calitate și măsuri ale procesului pe toate funcțiile organizației. Suntem dedicați îmbunătățirii continue a sistemelor, proceselor și produselor noastre”.Abacus Diagnostica Oy este certificat ISO 13485 și deține o poziție puternică IPR care acoperă punctele forte ale tehnologiei GenomEra Platforma tehnologică GenomEra® este un instrument puternic pentru testarea moleculară, în special în aplicațiile de rutină, unde este apreciată viteza, ușurința de utilizare și funcționarea sigură. Utilizarea produselor dezvoltate pe această platformă tehnologică nu necesită abilități specifice în biologie moleculară și nici instalații dedicate laboratorului. Tehnologia GenomEra® combină un principiu de analiză rapidă, care utilizează detecția de semnal fluorescent în timp real cu un concept de reactiv simplu de utilizat pe un cip de test din plastic cu costuri reduse. Principiul testului garantează robustețea și fiabilitatea - pot fi utilizate chiar și tipuri de probe foarte dificile. Prepararea necesară a eșantionului este o procedură simplă și rapidă care nu necesită izolare de ADN sau ARN. Jetoanele de testare sunt rulate într-un analizator automat cu un cycler termic încorporat, funcționând după un principiu patentat. Înainte de a începe amplificarea PCR sau RT-PCR analizorul sigilează automat cipurile într-o manieră ireversibilă pentru a elimina contaminarea.
Inființată în noiembrie 1999 în Țara Galilor de Nord, Marea Britanie, Bee Robotics Ltd este o companie privată cu o mare experiență în industria roboticii si care oferă o serie de instrumente de manipulare a lichidelor pentru diferite aplicații. Bee Robotics este în măsură să ofere dezvoltarea și fabricarea de instrumente automate pentru o gamă largă de kituri de diagnostic. Pentru manipularea lichidelor este folosita o gamă de pompe cu piston și pompe peristaltice ce manipuleaza volume de la 3ul până la 5 ml, în funcție de aplicație. Transferul lichidelor se poate face cu vârfuri de unică folosință, folosind un mecanism de ridicare și aruncare a vârfurilor, cu un sistem opțional de detectare a nivelului de presiune, eliminând nevoile de vârfuri conductoare. Scanarea și imagistica ( folosind senzori CCD și camere digitale ) au devenit o parte integrantă a instrumentelor firmei, oferind opțiunea de imagistică a eșantionului analizat prin interpretare cu software de la terți. Bee Robotics s-a extins și crește constant. De-a lungul anilor compania a investit foarte mult în cercetare și dezvoltare și a continuat să fie la curent cu cele mai noi tehnologii, pentru a asigura clientilor cele mai bune instrumente pentru dezvoltarea de produse. Avand calitatea și fiabilitatea pe lista de priorități Bee Robotics este recunoscuta, de asemenea, de cerințele si aprobările CE, UL, CSA, SFDA și IVD și a fost certificat conform standardelor ISO 9001/13485. Compania este bine poziționată pentru a deveni una dintre cele mai importante companii de proiectare și producție de instrumente, oferind automatizări personalizate pentru laboratorul modern.
NIPPON Genetics EUROPE is an international company with two bases located in Japan and Germany and offers state-of-the-art products for the life sciences and biotechnology sector. With over 15 years of experience, NIPPON Genetics EUROPE specializes in sales, marketing and distribution of its own manufactured products, as well as product distribution of innovative instrument and reagent companies. The company started operations in 1988 in Tokyo and Kyoto. Clients are researchers from around the world who work at universities and research institutes, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and or clinical laboratories. In order to be able to offer customers the widest possible range of high quality products, as a distributor, the company relies on selected products from famous Japanese manufacturers: Mupid, Bambanker, StemFit. The Research and Development Department allows the company to use technical expertise and many years of experience in the life sciences market to offer specially developed and optimized products. The company's German laboratories are constantly developing new and exciting products, which can be found under the brand name FastGene®. The product portfolio focuses on molecular biology, such as enzymes, kits and ready mixtures for RT, PCR, qPCR, safe dyes and DNA consumables for DNA electrophoresis, protein electrophoresis with precast PAGE gels, markers and dyes for proteins, as well as DNA and RNA purification kits and Gel documentation systems with CCD cameras or CMOS sensor using safe blue / green LED light. The company has many decades of experience in the production of laboratory plastics of the highest quality and at affordable prices, such as filter tips and PCR plastics. They are produced in Japan, in highly specialized factories, using clean rooms of the highest standard. NIPPON Genetics offers quality products in the field of cell biology, from cell freezing using cryopreservation in cell biobanks to new culture media for human stem cells and growth factors. Recently, its own Gel Doc system was developed, produced with a software developed in Germany, FAS Digi PRO. The non-toxic DNA dye developed by the company, MIDORI Green, is a huge success as a safe alternative to ethidium bromide.
ProteomeTech Inc. has several innovative IVD products. All of Proteometech’s products, Allergy-Q, ImmuneCheck IgG and TriCheck, are world-first products and are being reputed a great success in Korea and the exporting countries. ProteomeTech promoted Allergy diagnostic kit "PROTIA Allergy-Q" which can detect up to 107 allergens within one test. There are several other innovative IVD products, "PROTIA Food IgG" detecting the cause of Food Intolerance, which is known as chronic allergy. "ImmuneCheck" measuring IgG or IgE concentration in the blood within 20 minutes, which can screen their health condition or allergic symptoms with the simple method. The product animal is now available in ProteomeTech. "ANITIA Canine IgE" dog allergy diagnostic kit, which can detect 66 allergens with an only small volume of serum. AniCheck Bovine IgG colostrum measures IgG concentration in colostrum.
Only 20 years ago DNA sequencing was expensive, time-consuming and required specialised lab equipment. Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ low-cost, fast, portable, nanopore-based direct sequencing technology is opening up a wide range of new applications that would not have been possible in the early 2000s. Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc was founded in 2005 as a spin-out from the University of Oxford. Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc is a UK-based company which develops and sells nanopore sequencing products (including the portable DNA sequencer, MinION) for the direct, electronic analysis of single molecules. Nanopore sequencing is a third generation approach used in the sequencing of biopolymers specifically, polynucleotides in the form of DNA or RNA. It is the only sequencing technology that offers real-time analysis in fully scalable formats from pocket to population scale that can analyse native DNA or RNA and sequence any length of fragment to achieve short to ultra-long read lengths. Using nanopore sequencing, a single molecule of DNA or RNA can be sequenced without the need for PCR amplification or chemical labeling of the sample, also preserving the methylation sites which is the unique feature that only ONT’s chemistry can achieve. Nanopore sequencing has the potential to offer relatively low-cost genotyping, high mobility for testing, and rapid processing of samples with the ability to display results in real-time. Publications on the method outline its use in rapid identification of viral pathogens, monitoring ebola, environmental monitoring, food safety monitoring, human genome sequencing, plant genome sequencing, monitoring of antibiotic resistance, haplotyping, and other applications. Oxford Nanopore’s devices are hundreds to thousands of times faster and accurate than any other product on the market so they can provide rapid insights with real time data streaming. Next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing is changing the way we live and work in areas as diverse as human ancestry, forensics, personalized medicine and agriculture. Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) is at the cutting edge of these new and exciting developments thanks to its unique technology. In July 2016, a MinION nanopore sequencer was included on the ninth NASA/SpaceX commercial cargo resupply services mission to the International Space Station. During the mission, ISS crew members successfully sequenced DNA from bacteria, bacteriophage and rodents from samples prepared on Earth.